Hello people!

I’ve been competing in programming contests for nearly (maybe even more than?) 2 years, and I’ve seen my fair share of esoteric, or fairly “rare” algorithms or approaches – that don’t really have explicit documentation on most public forums.

This is one of them.

Fermat’s Theorem is an integral component of number theory, and is heavily involved in cryptography.

Not to mention, it’s in a TON of algorithmic challenges that you might encounter.

So let’s jump in!

Fermat’s Theorem

Fermat’s theorem is a specific application of the more general Euler’s theorem.

I’ll explain the latter in a moment, but here’s Fermat’s theorem.

For a natural number a and a prime number p, the following equation will always be satisfied.

In code, this looks like -

a**(p-1) % p == 1

This is a very specific application of Euler’s Theorem, which is far more general.

We’ll revisit this in a moment.

Euler’s Theorem

Euler’s theorem states that for any natural number a and any natural number n, the following equation is always satisfied:

Here, you’ll notice the exponent isn’t p-1.

The exponent here is called the totient function.

Totient Function

The totient function, briefly put, is a function that denotes how many natural numbers exist below a certain number, that are co-prime with this number.

That is,

phi(n) = len( {x where x>0 and x<n and gcd(x, n)==1} )

I won’t dive into how to effectively compute this for a given number. That’s left as an exercise for the reader.

I want to point out WHY Fermat’s theorem is a specific case of this general theorem.

Note that in the case of Fermat’s theorem, we know that n is a prime.

Now logically speaking, gcd(a prime number, any other number) = 1.

Therefore, the totient function of any prime number n, is always equal to n-1.

That’s why, Fermat’s theorem is -

The p-1 in the exponent, is the totient function of p.

Modular Multiplicative Inverses

So now that we know Euler’s theorem, let’s dive into multiplicative inverses.

Modular multiplicative inverses (I’ll just call them inverses, for the rest of this article) are a concept introduced in modular arithmetic, that basically define for a number, another number which when multiplied with the initial number results in a value of 1 after taking the modulo.

For example, let M = 11 and let A = 3 (where M is the modulo number, and A is your number on the LHS.)

The multiplicative inverse of A under modulo M, is 4.

As 4 * A = 4 * 3 = 12.

12 mod 11 = 1.

Similarly, the multiplicative inverse for 5 under modulo 11, is 9.

9 * 5 = 45.

45 mod 11 = 1.


How this is used in programming contests

Often times, you’ll need to divide large numbers despite under modular calculations.

For example, try calculating C(n, k) where n goes as high as 10^6.

Modular arithmetic doesn’t support division under modulo.

Obviously, you can’t calculate factorial(n) and then divide it by it’s denominator since you’ll run into overflow issues.

So, we use multiplicative inverses.

Multiplicative inverses act in the same manner as dividing the initial number.

This is because modular arithmetic supports multiplication.

(a * b) mod c = ((a mod c) * (b mod c)) mod c

So, to divide a number Y by X, for example, we multiply Y with the multiplicative inverse of X.

And that’s it!

Except I haven’t yet told you how to compute the multiplicative inverse – and now I shall.

Computing Multiplicative Inverses

This is very simple.

We know Fermat’s theorem. Most programming contests provide a modulo value = 10^9 + 7, or another such prime. And this is the reason why.

I’ll rewrite this, as -

And that’s it!

This is of the form -

And this form implies that i is the modular multiplicative inverse of a.

And thus, to determine the modular multiplicative inverse of any number a where the modulo value is prime, we simply need to raise a to the power of mod - 2.

def inv(a, mod):
	inverse = pow(a, mod-2, mod) 	# binary exponentiation to calculate a**(mod-2) % mod 
	return inverse 					# time complexity of O(log(mod-2))

NOTE: This technique is only valid when M is prime. The generalization would be to raise a to the power of totient_function(M) - 1, however it’s also worth noting that the multiplicative modular inverse can only exist if a and M are co-prime.

Good luck!

~ Aditya Ramesh